~dogA doodles~ whatever you do....


Upcycled hand painted unique bottleART - I see you

Beer bottle hand painted into unique piece of art - $25 (available on Etsy/Facebook) Next time, don't throw away a glass bottle! It makes for a great afternoon, sip and...

Repurposing old photo frames

What do you do with  all those photo frames that are sitting in our closet because you never get time to get your photos printed?? You repurpose them into a...

Try this!

Become an observer of yourself. Watch your actions and behaviors like you would watch a show – no judgments, no attachments, just pure entertainment. Rise above your own self to...

The Goddess is within you

The Goddess doesn't enter us from outside; she emerges from deep within. She is not held back by what happened in the past. She is conceived in consciousness, born in...

It's complicated

When you let go of the urge to provide meaning to each and every action, a shift happens and it brings forth images that you could have never imagined.


The soul would have no rainbowif the eyes had no tears....~Native American proverb~

What is left of me?

 What is left of me….  If you take my name awayIf you take my education awayIf you take my job, knowledge and skills away  If you cut my credit card...

~dogA doodles - never ever give up!~


Sun Salutation

Through this pen n ink drawing, my intuitive Self wanted to illustrate Sun Salutation. Sun salutation or "Surya Namaskar" has been a part of yoga for thousands of years. By honoring the light...

the day I said "NO"....

the day I said NO to the life I do not want....I started living the life I really want.Was it easy? No, it was not. My ego has had such a...

Don't ask me why!

Don't ask me why I created this pen n ink or what it means....it came from a place of no mind :)