Hey divine being!
Did you read the letter Universe wrote for you?
This letter is for us, the super focused and driven souls. Who often get so absorbed in the world of action taking that we forget to stay connected with the essence of play.
The very essence that keeps us in tune with the Divine.
The very essence that makes manifestation of our desires so easy.
I got this lesson late last week, when I was creating videos for my I am Playful essence collection.
Ironic isn’t?
I started the week with this child-like wonder of play and ended it with a bit overwhelm and anxiety, because I switched to the hustle mode.
Not so playful, anymore.
I knew what was going on and fortunately I had tools and support system to get out of this funk.
But it was a reminder from the Universe that I need to embody this playful child-like wonder every single day.
Even if it’s for a few moments. I need to take time to pause, jump, twirl and give my plants a hug.
And make it an everyday ritual.
So I don’t get into the habit of hustle type action. Which, let’s be honest, has a flavor of fear and stops us from staying connected with the Universe.
I decided to take charge so I jumped around while cooking, meditated and cleared the stuck energy.
And I also decided to write 3-simple things you & I can do next time we switch to the hustle mode.
Because I’m pretty sure we all want to live the highest version of yourself every single day, without burning out or being anxious.
For that, it’s so essential to play. To get back to that child-like wonder state of curiosity and exploration.
Because we become a clear channel of divine ideas when we’re in this state of child-like wonder.
Here are 3-simple things you can do, to stay in the child-like wonder state:
1. Play for 5 minutes everyday
What sounds super playful and fun to you?
Do that thing for at least 5 minutes everyday.
Is it playing with your pups?
Or talking to your plants in a baby voice?
Or dancing to the tunes of 80’s songs while cooking?
Do that thing like a ritual, for at least 5 minutes a day.
2. Pause and move
When you feel the funk of anxiety coming over (watch for symptoms of irritation, frustration or impatience), just pause (this happens to me typically when I’m sitting on the computer for long hours)
Pause what you’re doing, it will break the pattern.
And then, get up and move.
Go get fresh air, stretch a bit or get a cup of tea.
Do what is possible at that moment. If you can, do step no. 1 also.
Moving will help the stuck energy to move through you. Pausing will breaking the pattern that will stop fueling your negative emotions.
3. Keep your divine treasures handy
Our environment plays a key role in our well being. So surround yourself with divine treasures that are soulful and intentional.
So when you pause to look at these treasures and hold them in your hand, you remember the feeling of playfulness and joy.
Think what reminds you of your playful essence.
Is it a pic of your child laughing?
Or a video of your pup rolling in the grass?
Or sea-shells you collected at the beach where you went for a self-love weekend?
Take a moment to look around.
Does your work space or home hold divine treasures that remind you of your child-like wonder?
If not, find a few of those things. Sprinkle them around your home and work space!
Doing these 3-simple things will help you stay connected to your child-like wonder, especially when you notice your hustle mode is on.
Now I would love to hear from you!
> Which of these 3-things are you going to implement right away?
> What divine treasures remind you of your child-like wonder?
Reply in comments below and let’s keep the playful conversation going!
Much love,

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p.s This is Part 2 of Remember to Play, my shares on how to embody our playful essence. You can read Part 1 here. Make sure you print it and bookmark this letter. What inspired these Remember to Play shares? The I am Playful essence collection. It's meant to remind you of your child-like wonder.
p.p.s The video is of my friend Meg, a pure divine soul and she's wearing I make my tribe laugh kimono
p.p.p.s Stay tuned for Part 3 where I share few divine treasures you can buy. These pieces infused with playful energy ?♀️?♂️?♀️