Nurturing Your Soul
There’s this pie shaped corner in our backyard.
Behind the gazebo.
Surrounded by two Chinese Elms, a Gray Ash and bunch of flowery shrubs, this corner sits in solitude, under the umbrella of these trees.
The ground has a bed of beige colored flagstone. On which rests this bench. A gift from my family.
This pie shaped corner is our favorite spot in the backyard.
Every weekend, my husband & I take our fresh brew of morning coffee and go sit on this bench.
And as we take a sip of our coffee and breathe in some fresh air, we smile.
Because in between the sips and our half-sleepy morning chatter, we hear a couple mocking jays having their own conversation.
And hopping from one tree to another.
We notice the branches of Chinese Elm & Gray Ash rustle against each other, like kissing each other good morning.
And on the tiny purple flowers growing underneath, we see a bumblebee gliding from one flower to another.
And on the tiny purple flowers growing underneath, we see a bumblebee gliding from one flower to another.
This pie shaped corner is our place of connection with Mother Nature.
This is the place we come to dream big dreams.
To envision our future. To have deep conversations. To find meaning, purpose, and focus.
To smile at the wonders of nature, seen right in a suburban backyard.And embody the infinite possibilities that await us.I can say, it's more than our favorite spot in this suburban backyard.
This pie-shaped corner is what I call, our Soul Space.
I ALSO consider this corner as my Soul Space.
Because, during the day, I come to this spot by myself quiet often.
To just be.
To make art.
To read and journal.
And to have a quick mindfulness break.
To just be.
To make art.
To read and journal.
And to have a quick mindfulness break.
Because no matter why I come to this precious little pie-shaped corner in our backyard forest, my Soul feels happy.
Sitting here I instantly feel connected to everything.
To nature. To the Universe. To my own Soul.
Sitting here I instantly feel connected to everything.
To nature. To the Universe. To my own Soul.
And my heart effortlessly expands with love & joy. And as I witness the elegant dance of branches, birds and bees, I'm instantly reminded of my child-like playfulness.I cherish this Soul Space deeply. Because my Soul feels at home here.
It feels at ease.
It feels at peace.
It feels at ease.
It feels at peace.
And in this peaceful, effortless state of being, my Soul gently re-aligns me to my Path & Purpose.
Having spent so much time in this pie-shaped corner, I realize how much we NEED such a Space or two in our life.
A place we can call our Soul Space.
Where our Soul feels nurtured.
It feels connected to the Source.
It feels at home. At ease.
And at peace. Our Souls long for such space because in this ease and peace, it can easily expand and merge into the vastness of the Spirit.
Like a drop merges into vastness of the ocean.
Easily. Effortlessly.
Sometimes this Soul Space is a little nook in our living room.
With a dark brown recliner and a hand-knitted throw gently resting on it’s arm.
A tiny succulent sitting on the window sill, basking in the sunlight that filters through.
And an old side table, with just enough space to keep a salt lamp, a journal and our tea cup.
A nook where we come back after a long day to sit, sip a cup of chamomile and take a breather.
Sometimes this Soul Space is a corner in our home-office.
With a small rug, a meditation cushion and an altar full of sacred trinkets.
An incense tray. A book. A journal. And a crystal or two.
A corner where we sit every morning, light up an incense, listen to Om chants, read and sit in silence.
And sometimes this Soul Space has transformed itself through many stages of life. Just like us.
It's been a dining room, an office, a play area, and now...it's our Soul Space.
With a wood ledge next to the windows, full of plants and pots of all sorts.
A Buddha statue resting in-between these plants and holding our favorite candle.
And a rug on the floor, full of colorful cushions and a antique tray to keep our pot of tea.
A space where we meditate. Do our daily reading. Talk to the plants. Twirl like a ballerina. And connect with the Universe.
A Soul Space is as unique as we all are.
And no matter what it looks like, one thing is common for sure.
A Soul Space is ALWAYS filled with the consciousness of expansion and connection.
It expands our heart, our mind and our Soul.
It helps us introspect, dig deep, ask questions and listen to our innate wisdom.
It makes it effortless for us to connect with the Source, the Spirit and the Infinite.
And we LOVE spending time here.
We look forward to sitting on that recliner, meditating on that cushion and lying on that rug reading away.
Because whenever we spend time there, even if it's just a couple of minutes a day, it does wonders for our body, mind, and the entire being.
It's a space our Soul longs for...
To feel nurtured.
To feel at peace.
To feel at ease.
And to gently nudge us back in-tune with our Path & Purpose.
Much love,
It feels at home. At ease.
And at peace. Our Souls long for such space because in this ease and peace, it can easily expand and merge into the vastness of the Spirit.
Like a drop merges into vastness of the ocean.
Easily. Effortlessly.
Our Soul Space can come in different shapes, sizes and characteristics.
Sometimes this Soul Space is a little nook in our living room.
With a dark brown recliner and a hand-knitted throw gently resting on it’s arm.
A tiny succulent sitting on the window sill, basking in the sunlight that filters through.
And an old side table, with just enough space to keep a salt lamp, a journal and our tea cup.
A nook where we come back after a long day to sit, sip a cup of chamomile and take a breather.
Sometimes this Soul Space is a corner in our home-office.
With a small rug, a meditation cushion and an altar full of sacred trinkets.
An incense tray. A book. A journal. And a crystal or two.
A corner where we sit every morning, light up an incense, listen to Om chants, read and sit in silence.
And sometimes this Soul Space has transformed itself through many stages of life. Just like us.
It's been a dining room, an office, a play area, and now...it's our Soul Space.
With a wood ledge next to the windows, full of plants and pots of all sorts.
A Buddha statue resting in-between these plants and holding our favorite candle.
And a rug on the floor, full of colorful cushions and a antique tray to keep our pot of tea.
A space where we meditate. Do our daily reading. Talk to the plants. Twirl like a ballerina. And connect with the Universe.
A Soul Space is as unique as we all are.
And no matter what it looks like, one thing is common for sure.
A Soul Space is ALWAYS filled with the consciousness of expansion and connection.
This is what is nurturing - where the nurturing comes from - consciousness of expansion...
It expands our heart, our mind and our Soul.
It helps us introspect, dig deep, ask questions and listen to our innate wisdom.
It makes it effortless for us to connect with the Source, the Spirit and the Infinite.
And we LOVE spending time here.
We look forward to sitting on that recliner, meditating on that cushion and lying on that rug reading away.
Because whenever we spend time there, even if it's just a couple of minutes a day, it does wonders for our body, mind, and the entire being.
It's a space our Soul longs for...
To feel nurtured.
To feel at peace.
To feel at ease.
And to gently nudge us back in-tune with our Path & Purpose.
Much love,

p.s Beautiful One, I would love to hear from you on this.
Tell me... How are you nurturing your soul?
- Are you nurturing your Soul with such a Space?
- What does your Soul Space look and feel like?
- What are the sacred trinkets that fill your Space?
Reply in comments below, and if we're connected on social, tag me and show me what your #soulspace looks like!
p.p.s If you're looking for sacred trinkets for your Soul Space, here are a few!