One year gone since I started noticing the beauty of the Sun from my office window. Every day I watched Him rise....without fail, without complaints. It did not matter if it was cold, warm or raining. Every day He was different. Someday He was the king, sharing his warmth with everyone and sometimes He was like a child, hiding behind the clouds, just watching us. Such is His mark of strength, of optimism, of commitment. He inspired me, asked me to slow down, told me to admire what is around me. Every morning, I stood by the window, watching Him dance in his own glory. I thanked him everyday. And today I thank Him for the last time. Tomorrow, He will be there, I will not. We will still be the same - looking for each other, smiling at each other. And when he is not looking, I will still be watching Him and thanking Him.  Only thing, it will be another beautiful view.
